
jueves, 12 de agosto de 2021



In homage to my maternal grandmother Ramona Rosa Bordón de Vallejos, to the first school of affection, respect and humility.


To date there is no proof of the birth of the Universe from a singularity (In physics that does not exist, only in mathematics there are quotients that divide by zero in the metric of General Relativity). To give an ad hoc closure appears the theory of inflation (something that accelerates the universe to magical speeds and then in the same way stops without generating devastating waves like a tsunami, where matter and energy appear).

The FLRW metric has no cross terms, because there are no distortions in the form of gravitational radiation in the universe. We measure the same Hubble constant in all directions, the discrepancy occurs by epochs and not by direction in which we look at the universe. At least it is more or less what the technology at hand tells us. That means that the Hubble constant was not that constant in the life of the Universe.

We study primordial photons; this is where our understanding of the Early Universe goes. We can generate The Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation (CMB) spectrum of radiation powers. What is the only certain thing that you tell us that? That in the Early Universe the matter did not cool down at the same time, but in stages, like a sequence or process, those stages were recorded in peaks and valleys.

Then the imagination begins to play against us. As for example quotients of baryonic matter and dark matter or exotic matter that push the Universe, none of that is proven. And it has fewer adherents, even among those who most cling to defending the theory that bears the name "Big Bang" (the name does not mean anything, it is just a name, like calling Black Holes to wonderful objects that provide us with great information) .

Through scientific studies we can interpret that, if we have matter with a high density and we know the approximate chemical elements that compose it, we know how some particles behave in the case of photons and neutrinos (those discovered today).

Hence, the scientific community estimates that there was a non-instantaneous process of emission of NEUTRINES before photons (we schematized it as a wave in phase). It means that the neutrinos detached from the plasma before the photons.

These particles (neutrinos) in the Early Universe are a very valuable contribution of information that contrasts with photons. The challenge is to consolidate that data and of course to interpret it. For that, the physics of Neutron Stars advanced a lot and can give us information in the area of ​​Nuclear Physics. For example, the emission of neutrinos. Since the NEUTRON STARS STUDY has direct information on these processes in contrast to the masses of these astronomical objects.


What do I mean when I say interpretation of the results: When we see a graph of Powers of the CMB, many scientists are going to hear that it is an exact representation of what happened in the Early Universe, in which Dark Matter is taken into account.  We also know that if using an online calculator such as https://cmb.wintherscoming.we will not notice that the first peak increases if we remove the dark matter. Then you will say, solved the enigma, there is Dark Matter.

Well, Vera Rubín made a great discovery in the late 1960s and / or early 1970s, according to the bibliography. They discovered an effect on galactic halos. This effect is not necessarily "exotic" matter that we do not see or detect with any technology. It may be the effect of the drag force that the system produced when the galaxies were born, but that effect is not the direct equivalent of the mass, but rather the drag force that is equivalent to the mass and the speed with which it was moving. THE SYSTEM OR THE BORDER.

This drag force was printed on a fluid with a certain rotational speed and viscosity in its formation, while the center of the system accumulated more matter than the halos by gravity (the system decreased in density and temperature).

Over time the drag force was withdrawn and the center of the system with the greatest accumulation of matter, the radial or tangential velocity of the particle system increased at its center (where there was already more matter). You will find more information in the previous entry "Dark Age". Of course, that's just my hypothesis that it gets stronger every day.

This means that the interpretation of the "surplus of neutrinos" or higher value of Neff, in quotation marks since the energy in the decoupling of the plasma is studied and if there is any particle to discover. When we discover a new particle, we have to detect it by itself or by its residue (decomposition or decay) in other particles, and the interaction with the other particles of the standard model. What “for now” removes the possibility of sterile neutrinos. We continue with just three neutrino flavors and the respective antineutrinos. It is neither good nor bad, it is science ...

That information we are looking for is crucial and we must mature a more realistic idea in cosmological terms of a model that in reality can be demonstrated by the data and evidence set.

Today to 2021, after more than 60 years we will continue looking for ghosts for another 60 or 70 years ... I do not think it is a sin. Sin is closing ourselves to a single interpretation..

The baryonic mass of the Universe is 1.6 x 10 ^ 53 kg ten orders less than the baryonic mass plus dark matter which is 1.01 x 10 ^ 54 kg.

This formula is not to rule out dark matter, but to see that as the density of the universe decreases, the influence of that matter will be less on the light that moves. Also, that for obvious reasons, time is speeding up. Since time runs more slowly when there is greater influence of matter, and the universe over time becomes less dense.



By Pablo Fernández (Neff):

"Nothing less than processes like

1 °) Decoupling of neutrinos.

2 °) The annihilation of electron-positron pairs (e⁻e⁺).

3 °) The primordial nucleosynthesis ”.

“The effective number of neutrinos (represented mathematically as Neff) is a cosmological parameter, which means that its value indicates a certain property of the Universe. Specifically, the effective number of neutrinos measures the contribution to radiation that existed in the early universe that did not come from photons, the particles of light ”.

“Specifically, the Neff value is quantified in terms of the contribution corresponding to a single neutrino species in an idealized scenario. It should be noted, however, that the experimental value of Neff provides information not only on the three types of standard neutrinos that are known, but on any particle other than photons that contributed to the radiation of the early universe ”.

“Furthermore, as we have said, it is true that neutrino decoupling began before electron-positron pair annihilation did, but neither of these two processes is instantaneous. This means that the decoupling of the neutrinos ends when the annihilation of electron-positron pairs has already begun ”.

“The presence of a greater number of neutrinos of more energy implies a greater contribution to the radiation of the early Universe. That is, its contribution to the effective number of neutrinos is greater, so that Neff increases with respect to its ideal value.

Finally, if we carefully consider all the effects that change the value of Neff with respect to its ideal value (which would be 3), we arrive at the result that Neff = 3.044 ”.






The Cosmic Neutrino Background (CNB) is believed to have an approximate temperature of 1.95 K as of today. [1

Model: Science is in the race and there is no area more advanced in theoretical aspects than the study of Neutron Stars.

Within this area we have the Neutrino emission study.


Table [2]



PhD Thesis Teguayco Pinto Cejas Thesis

For Temperature in the range of [1; 0.3] MeV. At this time the decoupling of neutrinos takes place and a little later the annihilation of electrons and positrons transferring their entropy to the photons. At about this time, the weak interactions that interconvert neutrons and protons freeze. When this happens, the relationship between neutrons and protons is given by their equilibrium value.

(n / p) = 1/6

After thawing, this ratio doesn't really stay constant, but actually slowly decreases due to occasional weak interactions (eventually dominated by free neutron decays). At this time, light nuclear species are still found in NSE with very small abundances.

NSE: Under certain physical conditions, all direct and inverse reactions proceed so fast that the so-called NSE is established, when the concentrations of all nuclides and the thermodynamic properties of matter are determined by conditions of thermodynamic equilibrium.

For Range Temperature [0.3; 0.1] MeV. At that time, the number of degrees of freedom has decreased from 10.75 to 3.36 due to both the decoupling of neutrinos and the annihilation of electrons and positrons. Also, due to neutron decay, the proton fraction has dropped to ~ 1/7. It is then that the production of D (Deuterium) begins to be effective, giving rise to a chain reaction, which will result in the formation of 4He. Therefore, the amount of 4He produced depends on the expansion rate of the universe. If it spreads faster, there will be rapid cooling and therefore the amount of D that decays will be less and at the same time the number of neutrons will be greater, since there is not enough time for the neutrons to decay.

As we have seen, in summary, neutrinos have a double impact on BBN. On the one hand, through the processes of conversion n roundtrip to p mediated by weak interactions that are directly affected by the neutrino spectrum together with electrons, positrons and neutrinos, antineutrinos.

On the other hand, as a component of the background radiation, affecting the expansion rate of the universe through the relationship. The expansion rate determines when and how 4He production begins. This fact can be used to set a limit on the number of relativistic species.

Image [3]

electron-positrons, three thermally distributed neutrinos correspond to Neff = 3 in instantaneous decoupling.

OF COURSE SOMETHING THAT SEEMS NOT TO HAPPEN LIKE THAT. I stop reference bibliographies with the complete thesis.


[1] Beta Decay and the Cosmic Neutrino Background DOI: 10.1051 / epjconf / 20147100044.

[2] Neutrino Emission from Neutron Stars D.G. Yakovlev O.Y. Gnedin, A.D. Kaminker, and P. Haensel.

[3] Detailed study of the decoupling process of cosmological relic neutrinos PhD Thesis Teguayco Pinto Cejas June 2008.













From the point of discrepancy in the radiation emission that is measured with Neff, although there are many interpretations due to circumstances, the most feasible for analysis are those of rotating objects inherited from Neutron Stars.

Neff analysis within what is the study of primordial neutrinos.

· We have the cosmic neutrino background CvB thanks to its discovery Baryonic Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (BOSS) [1].

· We have the theoretical measure of the Neff measurement Theoretical measure of Neff = 3.0440 +/- 0.0002. to which we can add many more hypotheses. [2] What Planck 2015 measures is Neff = 3.046. [3]

· Possible direct detection of primordial neutrinos [4] DUNE and Hyper-K.

· We also have the study of the masses of neutrinos with two experiments 1 ° KATRIN Experiment and 2 ° PTOLEMY Experiment. [5]

· The experiments that will increase the certainty in the probability value are 1st DESI Survey and 2nd EUCLID spacecraft. [6]

· I discard corrections that create more hypotheses on unproven hypotheses such as Applying the Halo Model to Large Scale Structure Measurements of the Luminous Red Galaxies: SDSS DR7 Preliminary Results [7]


[1] First constraint on the neutrino-induced phase shift in the spectrum of baryon acoustic oscillations doi: 10.1038 / s41567-019-0435-6.

[2] Towards a precision calculation of Neff in the Standard Model II arxiv: 2012.02726v3.

[3] Planck 2015 results. XIII. Cosmological Parameters arXiv: 1502.01589v3.

[4] White Paper on New Opportunities at the Next-Generation Neutrino Experiments / /

[5] and -sterile-case /.

[6] Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) and

[7] Nuclear Physics B (Proc. Suppl.) 194 (2009) 129-132; Beth A. Reid -Institute of Space Sciences (CSIC-IEEC), UAB, Barcelona 08193, Spain-.

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