
sábado, 24 de julio de 2021


 No me lo imagino al Intendente Dionisio Scarpín pidiendo una visita para ver a su secretario privado en la comisaría IX°, justo a los mismos policías que seguramente le dijeron que se quede tranquilo en temas de espionaje interno que junto a la Agencia Federal de Inteligencia nadie los paraba.

Estamos en un país donde la gente festeja cuando a un Policía o un Político mueren en accidente de tránsito, por una bala, o un suicidio inducido. Ya que son la raíz del narcotráfico y la delincuencia organizada. Son parte de la guerra entre bandas narcos.

Cuando la rueda empieza a girar después es difícil pararla. Pasan los años y la gente naturalizó a su enemigo. Sabe que no puede confiar y extrañar la presencia de un Policía y un Político. Hasta ya suenan desagradable al pronunciarlos.  

El norte de la provincia no escapa a esto, ya que el negocio es la venta de elementos robados, autopartes de motos, robo de grandes sumas de dinero, estafas telefónicas con Bancos o Cárceles de base de operaciones, droga, apuestas, entre otros delitos... 

Delitos complejos, son los delitos de los que se encarga por ejemplo la Policía Federal, pero hoy es una red de la que se nutre la política. Y su centro neurálgico está la Agencia Federal de Inteligencia (AFI exSIDE), dialoga y organiza con la Inteligencia de cada sector de las fuerzas de seguridad. 

Actual Intendente de Avellaneda "Dionisio", el Intendente de Reconquista "Enry"  (El Gerente de ASSA por el que la mujer está a punto de perder campos y vacas), "Alberto Fernández", El "Chacho Marcon". Son el problema de turno, pero el problema está identificado. 

Creen en la impunidad, pero eso no existe en Argentina, Néstor Kirchner está muerto, Miguel Lifschitz también, y tenemos cientos de policías muertos o presos. Que nadie los extraña... 

El caso del Secretario privado del Intendente DIONISIO SCARPIN de la ciudad de Avellaneda Santa Fe:

Está detenido Marcelo Eduardo Galaz que fue imputado de abusos sexuales con acceso carnal, abusos sexuales gravemente ultrajantes, reiterados en el tiempo en número indeterminados de veces, agravados por causar daño grave a la salud mental de la víctima; y promoción de la corrupción de menor de edad, agravada por la edad de la víctima, quien -según la imputación- tenía 4 años cuando comenzaron los primeros abusos.

Así cubrían los medios nacionales la detención del secretario privado de Dionisio Scarpín, gente que juega fuerte en política, gente que juega con apoyo de la AFI, la Policía de Santa Fe, y otras fuerzas...

Sabemos que pasa cuando hay abusos sistemáticos y reiterados sobre una mujer o una niña. Conocemos las consecuencias de la impunidad, de la droga. Sobre todo si hay punteros políticos de por medio o pungas de la Policía y conocemos los casos en el transcurso de décadas. 
El caso de Rocío Vera es una muestra más de la perversión del sistema.  

Sabemos dónde está el enemigo, no solo los tres políticos que vemos como el Alberto, Enry y Dioni. Sino lo que se esconde en las sombras. Y por supuesto valen más muertos que vivos. 

El edificio que está pasando la calle, contiguo a la Casa Rosada, el mismo que dicen que van a demoler. Hasta que ven los beneficios institucionales ya que son expertos en lavar dinero, son expertos en espionaje interno, persecución ideológica y terrorismo de estado. Así que siguen estando. En las sombras, pero cada tanto pierden a uno o dos integrantes. Por suerte el mundo no se mueve por una república extinta como la nuestra. 
Enfrentar a esta gente no es difícil, hay que apuntarle a todos los sectores en los que se recuestan y listo. 

martes, 13 de julio de 2021


The Future 

Looking for a way to generate a simulation without dark matter. Within the most realistic and achievable options available. Any guidance or collaboration to arrive at an acceptable solution or the development of one is welcome.



SIMULATION MODEL “WITHOUT DARK MATTER”, ONLY TAKING INTO ACCOUNT THE BARIONIC MATTER. Starting from a determined radius of the Universe with boundary and angular momentum. A density of a neutron star and corresponding temperature. Different configurations of n / p (neutrons / protons) forming inhomogeneities. This configuration should resolve the following discrepancies. Which gives us a simulation of a stage prior to all known ones.


Discrepancies and advantages of a simulation Without Dark Matter.

FIRST DISCREPANCE of modeling WITH DARK MATTER: No Dark Matter model starts in a singularity, (Big Bang model), because the singularities do not comply with a physical rule, it is only a mathematical indeterminacy, some mathematical indeterminacies can be saved with some rule or mathematical theorem, but not others ...


Source: Introducing the Illustris Project: simulating the coevolution of dark and visible matter in the Universe doi:10.1093/mnras/stu1536 

This is followed by the INFLATION THEORY which starts at the Singularity and ends at an unclear x y radius. Nothing is known about this period of inflation or the properties attributed to it, because out of nowhere the Inflation T. generates matter and not antimatter (particle physics has no explanation, neutrino and antineutrino models do not satisfy for cosmological models, (symmetry breaking) Why it has a beginning and an end ... We can also say that today we have an inflationary period since the Hubble constant measures a higher value than in the primordial stage of the Universe.

SECOND DISCREPANCY: How to explain the transition (transfer moment) of condensed matter (plasma) to a proton gas. We see that gravity is the dominant force when we speak of a neutron / proton gas and not the expansion of the Universe. So, any model already starts with a phantom jump in time. Neither the simulation nor the Big Bang Theory explains how the particles separated and then came back together. And that the scientific community takes it into account. Which exposes the lack of credibility of all known simulations?


THIRD DISCREPANCY: The dark matter halos in the simulations. We all know that baryonic matter has properties, dark matter we do not know any properties. We do not know a particle of dark matter. We do not see it interact with the Milky Way (since we are in an area of high probability of dark matter existence, it is not noticeable in the planetary movement), nor do we see it interact in the Stars of the Universe (neutrino emission, half-life). We already know that it does not have a behavior consistent with baryonic matter in its distribution since it manifests itself in some types of spiral galaxies. And we know that Dark Matter models seek to have more matter than is detected in galaxies. Since the interaction gives angular momentum and reduces the age of galaxy formation.


FOURTH DISCREPANCE: The Universe has angular momentum (one of the most important principles of cosmology). In the Big Bang model, space is generated with matter. It is not clear where the angular momentum comes from in galaxies that do not have fusion processes with others (I speak of tangential / radial speeds of 300 km / s).



Standard Big-Bang Nucleosynthesis up to CNO with an improved extended nuclear network. DOI:10.1088/0004-637X/744/2/158

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 . GRAVITY: The halos depend on the fluidity of the interaction of matter and the angular momentum of the primordial system without dark matter. The consistency of a region with objects or accumulation of matter from the plasma gives the size to the region that did not "shatter" into smaller regions. It could also explain why there are so many dwarf galaxies or satellites.

. Hydrodynamics and Thermal evolution (n / a).

. BLACK HOLE FORMATION AND GROWTH / AGN FEEDBACK: (we have the SMBH of the AGN that formed before) we do not wait for the Population III Stars to have SMBH.


. STAR FORMATION FEEDBACK: All simulations use their own recipes. In this I propose that the AGN with SMBH formed or began to consolidate before the stars of the Halos.



. To which we have to add neutrino emission and radiation from the border that we do not know yet. There are projects to measure the number of primordial neutrinos that were emitted before the anisotropy power curves of the CMB. And we do not know the influence of the mass of the border if it exists, nor how much mass it could have had.   



Buscando una forma de generar una simulación sin materia oscura. Dentro de las opciones más realistas y alcanzables disponibles. Cualquier orientación o colaboración para llegar a una solución aceptable o el desarrollo de una es bienvenida.



MODELO DE SIMULACIÓN “SIN MATERIA OSCURA”, TENIENDO EN CUENTA ÚNICAMENTE LA MATERIA BARIONICA. Partiendo de un radio determinado del Universo con límite y momento angular. Densidad de una estrella de neutrones y temperatura correspondiente. Diferentes configuraciones de n / p (neutrones / protones) formando inhomogeneidades. Esta configuración debería resolver las siguientes discrepancias. Lo que nos da una simulación de una etapa anterior a todas las conocidas.


Discrepancias y ventajas de una simulación sin materia oscura.

PRIMERA DISCREPANCIA de modelado CON MATERIA OSCURA: Ningún modelo de Materia Oscura comienza en una singularidad, (modelo Big Bang), porque las singularidades no cumplen con una regla física, es solo una indeterminación matemática, algunas indeterminaciones matemáticas se pueden salvar con alguna regla o teorema matemático, pero no otros ...


A esto le sigue la TEORÍA DE LA INFLACIÓN que comienza en la Singularidad y termina en un radio x y poco claro. No se sabe nada de este período de inflación ni de las propiedades que se le atribuyen, porque de la nada la Inflación Teórica genera materia y no antimateria (la física de partículas no tiene explicación, los modelos de neutrinos y antineutrinos no satisfacen para los modelos cosmológicos, (ruptura de simetría) Por qué tiene un principio y un final ... También podemos decir que hoy tenemos un período inflacionario ya que la constante de Hubble mide un valor más alto que en la etapa primordial del Universo. 

SEGUNDA DISCREPANCIA: Cómo explicar la transición (momento de transferencia) de la materia condensada (plasma) a un gas protón. Vemos que la gravedad es la fuerza dominante cuando hablamos de un gas de neutrones / protones y no de la expansión del Universo. Entonces, cualquier modelo ya comienza con un salto fantasma en el tiempo. Ni la simulación ni la teoría del Big Bang explican cómo las partículas se separaron y luego volvieron a unirse. Y que la comunidad científica lo tenga en cuenta. ¿Qué expone la falta de credibilidad de todas las simulaciones conocidas?


TERCERA DISCREPANCIA: Los halos de materia oscura en las simulaciones. Todos sabemos que la materia bariónica tiene propiedades, la materia oscura no conocemos propiedades. No conocemos una partícula de materia oscura. No lo vemos interactuar con la Vía Láctea (dado que estamos en un área de alta probabilidad de existencia de materia oscura, no se nota en el movimiento planetario), ni lo vemos interactuar en las Estrellas del Universo (emisión de neutrinos , media vida). Ya sabemos que no tiene un comportamiento acorde con la materia bariónica en su distribución ya que se manifiesta en algunos tipos de galaxias espirales. Y sabemos que los modelos de materia oscura buscan tener más materia de la que se detecta en las galaxias. Dado que la interacción da un momento angular y reduce la edad de formación de las galaxias.


CUARTA DISCREPANCIA: El Universo tiene momento angular (uno de los principios más importantes de la cosmología). En el modelo del Big Bang, el espacio se genera con materia. No está claro de dónde proviene el momento angular en galaxias que no tienen procesos de fusión con otras (hablo de velocidades tangenciales / radiales de 300 km / s).




. GRAVEDAD: Los halos dependen de la fluidez de la interacción de la materia y el momento angular del sistema primordial sin materia oscura. La consistencia de una región con los objetos o la acumulación de materia del plasma le da el tamaño a la región que no se "rompió" en regiones más pequeñas. También podría explicar por qué hay tantas galaxias enanas o satélites.

. Hidrodinámica y evolución térmica (n / a).

. FORMACIÓN Y CRECIMIENTO DE AGUJEROS NEGROS / RETROALIMENTACIÓN DE AGN: (tenemos el SMBH del AGN que se formó antes) no esperamos a que las Estrellas de Población III tengan SMBH.


. RETROALIMENTACIÓN DE LA FORMACIÓN DE ESTRELLAS: Todas las simulaciones utilizan sus propias recetas. En esto propongo que el AGN con SMBH se formó o comenzó a consolidarse antes que las estrellas de los Halos.



Nota: . A lo que tenemos que agregar emisión de neutrinos y radiación de la frontera que no conocemos aún. Hay proyectos para medir la cantidad de neutrinos primordial que se emitieron antes de las curvas de potencias de anisotropía del CMB. Y tampoco conocemos la influencia de la masa de la frontera si ésta existe, ni cuanta masa pudo haber tenido.

jueves, 8 de julio de 2021

DARK AGES (english)



Cosmology, the last frontier ...



Dedicated to:



My mother Juana M. Vallejos and sister Natalia C. Vallejos. From which I inherited the temperament and concern for everything that surrounds us.



To the Chemical Engineer graduated from FIQ-UNL Santa Fe; Oscar A. Delgado, friend and mentor.

He told me: "You can never underestimate the influence of a good teacher on a student."



I also thank: my private students, students of my amateur astronomy workshops, the people who participate in the scientific cafes, as well as the friends who share observation trips ...



We do science !!!


Image I






Do we have a Universe prior to ours? Perhaps, if we consider the temperature that is needed for the symmetry breaking of the Strong Force that holds the Quarks together (or Quarks-Gluon plasma temperature). And the missing antimatter ...

We will leave this area for a future article [1].


We start our analysis from an epoch with a density equal to a Neutron Star. That can even have Quark in the form of inhomogeneities at a QCD temperature of (temperature) T = Range [(40-1) MeV - 37 eV] following the line of time evolution [2] [3]. The left bound depends on the annihilation of baryons and anti-baryons. Controversy that I avoid because in my analysis I rule out the existence of baryonic antimatter in the Early Universe.

The main neutrino emission processes occur at power temperatures of 10^9 ° K and 10^8 ° K with densities of 10^16 kg / m3 [4]. Temperature equivalence in ° K and eV [5].

Another issue that the entire scientific community and even in this writing assume is that we are not taking into account the mass of Black Holes, intergalactic dust or the mass of exoplanets. The one that we should not assume despicable. In the case of having a frontier that separated from our universe, it is even more difficult to estimate its mass, but of course I do not underestimate the scientific community and future verifications.

Of the millions of galaxies that exist in the universe, 70% exhibit spiral characteristics. Astronomers have confirmed that the galaxy A1689B11 is the oldest known spiral galaxy to date. It was formed 2.6 billion years after the Big Bang [6].




My time starts counting from a certain radius and with a density similar to that of a Neutron Star (NS).

The influence of the boundary on the system in the Early Universe should explain the symmetry (morphology and velocity curves) that some spiral galaxies have. And maybe it will solve other deeper questions ...

We see that all objects rotate (the most important principle in cosmology: conservation of angular momentum). The BOUNDARY CONDITION, an edge, a boundary of the system that can have different properties.

Without neglecting the angular momentum of the system. It would explain why all astronomical objects have angular momentum. Even spiral galaxies. We know that spiral galaxies of different epochs have similar rotational speeds at different sizes even. When we say that an object inherits the angular momentum of the system from which it comes. For example, a Black Hole that is formed from the disappearing Star. What we cannot determine are the velocities of the laminar or turbulent fluids within that astronomical object.

In the same way, the Universe could have a radius with a finite amount of matter with which it was born. And that suggests two lines of research that are part of the proposal that I started at the Keck 2020 meeting.

THE FIRST line was to be able to investigate the trajectory of the particles that leave the plasma of the accretion disk of Super Massive Black Holes towards the Event Horizon (for example, the Black Hole of M87, New Prize in Physics 2020) and that images are available at different wavelengths (EHT).

THE SECOND line of research is to be able to model the formation of galaxies without Dark Matter, starting from a time where the density of the universe is around the density of a Neutron Star. KSM2020.


For science, the discovery of Quasar with z> 7 poses serious challenges because it is not known how objects with 10 ^ 9 Solar Masses could form in the early days of the Universe [7] [8] [9] [10].

In the same way, if there were Black Holes in the early universe, there could also be primordial Neutron Stars that did not go through the stage prior to a Supernova explosion (Population Stars III °).

The critical mass of formation of a Black Hole is greater than the critical mass of formation of a Neutron Star. The Upper Limits may be under investigation. But I consider either of the two discoveries important because they speak of an era with predominance and inhomogeneities of a medium in which neutrons (n0) could exist [11].

These regionally predominating neutron density variations may have given way to SMBHs that today are found at the center of most spiral galaxies.

We have new tools to find Neutron Stars with low temperatures in multiple systems, perhaps with some probability, an example is to detect systems with more than two objects with the cooperation of several observatories to track mergers that can be difficult to detect due to their emission of radiation.

Thanks to GRAVITATIONAL WAVES we have information on mergers, then search the region to see if other objects are found accompanying the system with similar characteristics. The holy grail would be an SMBH or a primordial NS (an irrefutable proof for the case of an NS would be its low temperature) [12]. Add this to the knowledge we have about the cooling of these stellar objects [13] [14].

Perhaps it can shed light on an epoch that is of fundamental importance in explaining the morphology of spiral galaxies. In the future, more information can be provided by the NICER project [15].



The metric that explains an expanding Universe is simple. The large-scale concordance is The Cosmological Principle and Weyl's Postulate.

Broadly speaking, the Universe is Isotropic and Homogeneous since the space between the objects of the Universe expands.

On the sidelines, we currently see that the Microwave Background Radiation (CMB) gives small temperature variations in the order of ΔT / T 10^-5 [16].

We can add something more transcendent, if we look in any direction, we will have the same Hubble constant (in any direction, above our heads, below our feet, in front, behind, to our sides, we will measure the same constant). But the measurements between different epochs or periods are known.


Artistic Image II.

[Image III] [17 - Copyrighted].


The problem with models with angular momentum such as Boyer-Lindquist (4-Dimensions) [18], is that it does not differentiate the properties of the boundary with the matter it contains, if the angular momentum is maximum, it loses spherical symmetry.

In this sense, it is convenient to simplify the analysis in the case of objectives such as determining the age of the universe by the FLRW model [19].

Another advantage of the FLRW model is that we can work in the plane [I use SageMath to obtain the two Friedmann equations].

Studies in Neutron Stars (NS) can shed light on what happens with the properties of matter in this sense or future studies on the diameter of Super Massive Black Holes (SMBH) already proposed at the KSM2020 meeting due to some property of the matter in the Early Universe, the current size of the Universe, were concealed and tempered or the intrinsic properties of matter do not allow variations in the density of matter in different directions or different values ​​of the Hubble constant.

It's simple, the metric can explain how the space outside the boundary can form waves and folds. The same does not happen within the border.

In summary, what I explained in the KSM2020, the Kerr metric tells us nothing about the intrinsic properties of the boundary of an SMBH with is the case of the Black Hole found in M87, neither does it with any BH.

We can find similarities between the boundary of a SMBH and the BORDER of a Primordial Universe, it is an interesting study ahead. Not because they are exactly the same, but because Black Holes can be a copy of the DNA of the Universe.

THERE ARE TWO ELEGANT OPTIONS TO THIS ENIGMA. If the frontier is ENERGY, it will move with tangential speed at light speeds. If it is of MATTER (a state that we do not know or is quark plasma) it will not be its light tangential speed, but in any case, the BORDER of the Primordial Universe will emit radiation due to the interaction of matter. If the boundary is light, it will emit radiation with any particle interaction that approaches it.

The radiation may not be important as it depends on the viscosity of the boundary and the drag force. Plasma works like a fluid and we know that at higher temperatures the viscosity is lower.

Some authors can express much better than I can the superfluidity behavior that we have to take into account in a HL. The neutron liquid present in the inner crust is considered to be a superfluid, just as the mixture of neutrons and protons in the outer nucleus of the NS forms a superfluid (of neutrons) and a superconductor (of protons). [twenty]

To this we add that the most important interaction with the border will not come from the radiation that is generated (since it would emit all kinds of radiation and these are approximated). The important thing is the drag by gravity that it will produce on the system for a certain time and the temperature of the system.


The pressure and temperature of the system also have a role to determine. And this is a separate chapter, if there is a possibility that the size of the galaxies is really different, it may be in the cooling rate and in the distance from the center of pressure of the system.


Regarding radiation there is possibly a way to measure it. If the border has a higher speed than the matter in its interior, then it will emit more radiation than the natural processes that we already know, because the interaction of matter will be greater in that region or sheet of the Universe close to the border. And this is just one of several hypotheses. The important thing is to extrapolate the radiation emission as close as possible to the amount of matter.


There is a possibility to measure it. As we know, the border "if it existed" had to be removed before the matter in its interior cools (adiabatic process: we increase the volume, the pressure and the temperature decrease). The only particle that can give us information on the radiative processes, before the first peak of the Angular Power Spectrum, are the neutrinos or Cosmic Neutrino Background (CvB). I want to clarify that this independent of the discussion of their masses [21] and what could contribute not only the mass but also the amount generated for the formation of galaxies product of the border. There is another point that is equally or more important.

It is important to know what the theoretical quantity of neutrinos is above the quantity of matter in the universe in that period in order to be able to theorize the mass radiated by the boundary. Or simply to know what is the real amount of baryonic matter interacting ... And that will be very difficult since new models of NS cooling are investigated day by day.

First observation of the phase shift caused by neutrinos in the Baryonic Acoustic Oscillation. The discovery made possible the Baryonic Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (BOSS) [22].

Of course, what interests me are the exact measurements. Since the calculation according to Planck 2015 is Neff = 3.046 without ruling out additional radiation. The significance remains low or let's say the probability value is not conclusive [23].

Ahead we have the possibility of improving this calculation. I mention next-generation neutrino experiments like DUNE and Hyper-K [24]

Theoretical Neff measure = 3.0440 +/- 0.0002 [25]

The frontier is going to have enough time to maintain the temperature of the matter inside it until it reaches a sufficient recession speed to withdraw. Since the flight from the border due to the speed of recession tells us that the beginning is low.

Now I'm going to work on a plane. The metric depends on the Hubble constant H0 (the way the Universe expands) and something that is consequential, the increase in volume generates a decrease in temperature.



On the other hand, I CONSIDER A CLOSED UNIVERSE WHICH BY DEFINITION IS THE ONE THAT EXCHANGES ENERGY WITH THE SYSTEM, BUT NOT MATTER. Unlike the Big Bang model that takes an ISOLATED universe (without exchange of matter and energy).

If this were not the case, in an Isolated Universe (Big Bang Theory) where it expands permanently without exchanging energy with the outside, the "supposed" SINGULARITY that originated the Universe should continue to provide the energy for the expansion ... Or some other matter exotic with different properties to those known. For example, to replace a border expansion energy (dark energy and we can add dark matter) we would have to have a matter that does not interact with light and is repulsive and in the case of dark matter sometimes interacts with light and others not ... And thousands of more controversial issues ...

But there is not yet proof of an initial Singularity, nor an experimental proof of how an inflationary process has a matter generating mechanism.


[Image IV] [26 - Copyrighted].


Artistic Image V.


A gas at high pressure does not behave like an incomprehensible gas. But the BORDER and ROTATIONAL MOVEMENT on a plasma (which if it behaves like an incomprehensible fluid at high pressures collaborated to have a homogeneous distribution and did not allow the matter to coalesce (form heavy nuclei) until the border was withdrawn, cooling the system Leaving an incomprehensible gas behind.

“This puts the model that I present as the only possible alternative so far that can explain the instant prior to an incomprehensible proton gas. Since the rest of the simulation or cosmological models cannot explain how they arrive at an incomprehensible gas of particles from a plasma or condensed state of matter”.

Consider that the force that dominated the universe from this stage was GRAVITY between particles and later objects, especially since the border was removed. Plasma under forces tears. There is interaction between nucleons due to the rotational movement of the system, but as it is not static it cannot form heavy nuclei, added to the presence of neutrons that we know at high pressures and temperatures, the half-life extends, the clear example is NS. We must also take into account the drop in temperature depends on the Hubble constant. If we have a density and a temperature of around 600,000 ° K as the departure from the Early Universe onwards, the boundary receded very slowly (taking into account the radius, the Hubble constant and the recession rate), the system cooled slowly, and the rotational gravitational effects of the border were giving ground to the angular momentum of the galactic bulbs that were being formed.

The Hubble recession rate depends on the constant and the distance. We change the constant to seconds and it gives us (2,185 x 10 ^ -18 s ^ -1) we multiply it by the extrapolated radius of the current known volume to which it should have with the baryon density of a NS which is (9,855 x 10 ^ 11 m) gives us a boundary leak rate of (2.153 x 10 ^ -6 m / s) The boundary held heat and pressure until it reached higher speeds according to the model we explained.

Metrics [Annex I]

It is worth clarifying that if I reformulate the FLRW "without dark matter" I will have an older Universe (we know that baryonic matter is missing, but we do not know how much).

_With a galaxy of 5 KPc in diameter, it could have a mass of an object at its center of approximately [2.27 to 8.3] .10 ^ 5 kg lower limit calculated with respect to the Solar System (extrapolating linearly), upper limit calculated with respect to Via Milky.

More serious studies than this simple reflection can be found on the increase in densities in relation to the formation of stars [27].


An IRREFUTABLE PROOF is the rotation not only of all the objects of the Universe, especially the primordial galaxies that do not present fusion processes are in rotation by the system (which in this work is attributed to the boundary of the system). Translated it means that there is rotation in all the objects of the Universe before the Dark Matter models.

[Annex VI] [28] [29]

The SMBH seed formation models in AGN have severe limitations for testing mass objects on the order of 109 Solar Masses starting from Population III Stars. What results in objects of lower mass than those that exist in the AGN. [30].

Another consequence to study taking into account the period of the Universe under study is the formation of Blazar (morphological aspects) [31].

Age of the Universe Online Calculator (we can subtract 380,000 years from this account because our zero is in the neutron formation stage) [32].

Without Dark Matter, the Age of the Universe gives us greater than +19 Giga years.


Image VI


Movement by layers and regions of the Early Universe. Manifestation of what we see today. It means that the morphology of the objects in the vicinity of the border will be different from those we see in the center.

For example, it can affect the size, we do not know in what proportion since we do not know what is the viscosity or the gravitational force that the boundary impels the system or the movement itself of the system from which we come (I leave the speculations to the Theoretical Physicists as currents of matter and antimatter colliding with energy currents, together with Universes dividing into bubbles, etc.), we can project the force of gravity by drag, since we have tangential motion in galaxies.


Image VIII


Probably. The temperature of the system did not drop in a uniform way which gave for a period of formation of structures from a stage with fluid behavior. Now, already in the gaseous or low-density stage it was easier to have a thermal equilibrium or the Universe was not very large compared to the current one.



Previous universe for another article, I try to analyze from a density and temperature relative to a NS with initial Temperature between 1 MeV to 37 eV without baryonic antimatter and density close to 10 ^ 16 kg / m3.


There is a lack of baryonic matter that is considered negligible and on the other hand we cannot confirm if there was a border and if it was baryonic matter. Leaving aside that it may also be assimilating some type of energy to expand.


My Hypothesis is that the universe is born with a finite radius and mass. Whether or not there is a defined boundary and it has angular momentum along the system.


All objects in the Universe have angular momentum even in different regions and times and this angular momentum in systems like galaxies are similar.


This work is a continuation of KSM2020 that I propose two lines of research are necessary. Early Universe without dark matter and border. Also the trajectory of the plasma leaving the accretion disk and heading to the event boundary of a SMBH.


The study of SMBH in the center of spiral galaxies, the study of primordial neutrinos, the pressure of the Early Universe with boundary.


The metric lacks flow tensors and similar to the metric used in NS.


We need to venture into simulations.




[1] Azimuthal Charged-Particle Correlations and Possible Local Strong Parity Violation doi: 10.1103 / PhysRevLett.103.251601.

[2] Evidence for quark-matter cores in massive neutron stars doi: 10.1038 / s41567-020-0914-9.

[3] Lower bound temperature - The rst second of the Universe Dominik J. Schwarz Theory Division, CERN, 1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland p20.

[4] Neutrino Emission from Neutron Stars arXiv: astro-ph / 0012122v1.

[5] Online calculator Temperature (eV) = 8.625 x 10 ^ (- 5) x Temperature (° K).

[6] The Most Ancient Spiral Galaxy: a 2.6-gyr-old disk with a tranquil velocity field or arXiv: 1710.11130v1.

[7] The birth of intermediate-mass black holes in primordial galaxies arXiv: 2012.09177v1.

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